Monday, October 1, 2012


CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny

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CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny
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It could be the biggest, most explosive story in modern history. We are just starting to put the pieces together and understand what is going on in the occult financial geopolitical scene, and how a 117-nation alliance is working to free the Earth from financial tyranny.
[UPDATE, NEXT MORNING: On the same day this article came out, Benjamin Fulford was allegedly detained in a hotel against his will by a "CIA-type group"... and his life may be in danger.
This caused him to miss his appearance on a TV show he was scheduled to be on. The videos are at the end. This could be serious. We pray for Ben's well-being and encourage you to help spread the word. Publicity is protection!
UPDATE, 12:44 AM SAME NIGHT: We just found out that Fulford is alive and OK. He may have been held in the hotel for his own protection, but we do not know yet. More information will follow as soon as we get it and will be updated below.
UPDATE WEDNESDAY 3:48 PM: I have received a very serious death threat from a highly-placed insider, who told me it would be "a very good idea" for me to release Part Two tonight. I will be working non-stop towards that goal. More at the bottom of the article.

UPDATE WEDNESDAY 5:43 PM: To all holders of the Wilcock File: DO NOT attempt to contact me in any way. Your instructions are now included in the most recent update.
UPDATE THURSDAY 5:30 PM: We are scrambling to get Part Two finished but making good progress. David was contacted by Coast and will be appearing briefly at or around 10PM Pacific time to give a short three-minute synopsis of what happened. This SUBSTANTIALLY increases our protection and security.

UPDATE SATURDAY 5:15 PM: My phone has been literally ringing off the hook since I made these announcements. I am geting calls stacked up on call waiting just while I'm trying to complete the ones I'm already in. This has been very distracting!
I do not believe I am in danger any longer. This article now has 350,000 hits and I was told that anything over 200,000 would practically guarantee no one would come after me. I am scrambling to finish Part Two and will probably have it out tomorrow.]
As I write these words, the average person is coming face-to-face with disturbing, if not dire news.
Not only could the disastrous financial debacle of 2008 be about to repeat itself, it may even be a lot worse this time.
As of November 28, 2011, media outlets announced that we could be as little as ten days away from a complete collapse of the Euro -- and with it, much of the rest of the world's economies could be pulled down as well.
Yet another grandiose "bailout" maneuver was used to buy some time -- but this has done little to address the gnawing unease in the public, particularly as the saber-rattling in the Middle East is again reaching a fever pitch.
This, at least, is the mainstream media's perspective on what is going on -- and thankfully, it is completely baseless.
In classic Orwellian terms -- such as "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength" -- the mainstream media's "Global Financial Collapse" cry of doom may very well be the best thing that's ever happened to us.
At least in any known, recorded history.
You are about to dive into a story that, for quite some time now, has been nothing but a great-sounding idea -- a wonderful "what if." Almost nothing of this story could be found in the mainstream media.
However, the bizarre origin of the story did briefly find its way into FOX's Glenn Beck show in 2009.
I highly recommend you watch this first, as it will draw you directly into the mystery -- which flickered for the briefest moment in mainstream media, only to disappear into shuddering silence:
Notice that Beck says FOX contacted the Treasury Department about this case, and received an official blow-off letter in response -- basically saying they had "no comment" on this 134 billion dollars in US bonds, seized at the Italian border, as it was "evidence in an ongoing investigation."
Beck then goes on to put up the numbers of which countries hold the largest numbers of US bonds. In order, they are China at 763.5 billion, Japan at 685.9 billion, the United Kingdom at 152.8 billion, Russia at 137.0 billion and Brazil at 126.0 billion.
Based on the public, unclassified numbers, 134.5 billion dollars in US bonds could only have been produced by Russia, the UK, Japan or China... no one else. The amount of money is so huge that if Russia produced it, they would only have 2.5 billion dollars in US bonds left over!
Joe Wiesenthal, the editor of, said that whether this was a government dumping its bonds or a counterfeit operation, it was "gigantic" in scope and "unlike anything we've ever seen -- not just in size but also in sophistication."
According to Wiesenthal, in order to counterfeit these bonds, "it would be the kind of technology you would expect only a government to have." Wiesenthal also believes the 1934 issuance date on the bonds suggests they may be elaborate forgeries.

Once you know what you are looking for, you can do some digging and find all the most significant articles published online about this strange story when it first broke in June, 2009.
Here is the original Bloomberg article on the scandal:
Here is a Daily Kos summary of links describing what may have happened:
Here is an Asia Times article on the issue, which has a lot more detail:
In these two articles, “The Underground Investor” analyzed the evidence and clearly established how strange this whole story really was:

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