Monday, February 3, 2014



An International Business Corporation* or an International Business Company (IBC) is an offshore company that is generally exempt from all types of taxes, and mostly used for investment and is a vehicle for international commerce.
International business corporation has the same power as a local company and can engage in different businesses and investment activities worldwide but benefiting from tax exemption. The international business corporation does not have the restrictions or excessive regulations as domestic companies, however with one exception that an IBC cannot exercise business activity in the jurisdiction of its incorporation.
Offshore companies can be used for (and not limited to) trading, e-commerce, foreign exchange, shipping, export, distribution, manufacturing, investing in stock, bonds, real estate and banking and insurance (as long as licensed to do so). An offshore company can do business virtually anywhere in the world.
All the international business companies that we offer are 100% tax exempted companies.

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