Parashat Bechukotai May 16, 2014 |
On the recent JFNA mission to Morocco, Jackie Wong approached me about writing this week’s d’var torah for National Women’s Philanthropy. I was very apprehensive at first because I had never written one before, and honestly, I haven’t read Torah since Hebrew school. The task seemed quite daunting.
However, after spending 10 days with Jackie and so many other strong, outspoken NWP women on the mission, I was inspired to say yes. I was motivated to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to do something new, and I’m so glad that I did. Because not only did I find incredible sources of inspiration in Morocco and the people I met there; I found inspiration in this week’s parasha, Bechukotai, as well.
Bechukotai begins by describing the prosperity and security that will come to the people of Israel if they live by G-d’s commandments. In a final promise, G-d says, “I will walk among you and be your G-d, and you will be My people.” This intimate relationship with G-d resonates with me because, as a nonprofit professional and active member of the Federation system, I see G-d in so much of the work that we do in our local communities and around the world.
When I observed the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington’s work with the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes to provide care for elderly people with developmental disabilities, I saw G-d among us. When I went with JDC to OSE in Casablanca and saw their efforts to provide free medical care to Morocco’s dwindling Jewish population, I saw G-d among us.
Living in Israel for the last eight months, I have gained an even greater appreciation for G-d’s presence in so much of our work. I live in Tel Aviv and work with the Am Yisrael Foundation (AYF). Founded by a group of passionate young Zionists who have taken me under their wing, the AYF builds community for young people from around the world who have chosen to make Tel Aviv their home.
We will be hosting thousands of people at the World’s Largest Shabbat Dinner on June 13th, the majority of them young professionals. In an age when many young people are disengaged from and apathetic about Judaism, the fact that so many of them choose to volunteer their time to build this community is truly incredible. To me, the AYF represents the epitome of G-d’s work in action.
Thank you for the opportunity to write this week’s message, and thank you so much for all the work that you do in your local communities and around the world. When I look at NWP, I am inspired to say that G-d is definitely among us.
Shabbat Shalom,
Victoria K. Lion of Judah
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